modern philosophy likes to
word basically
everything... even tries to discuss the veracity of reality by citing logic from
pseudo-sciences like the psychoanalysis

what's the true point of discussing problems that we won't be able to check, @ least from data and observations from the highest notch of theories and technologies we have? stars may be conscious but a concise framework for checking if it's true is (maybe) far away, Freud may was right about some stuff but doesn't make psychoanalysis and its strands more effective than a placebo, which considering the amount of more effective methods and the plethora of workers @ these fields (who may apply the same method in a different way, that may or not flows with you) makes pretty damaging to suggest the treatment of a depressive teen or an anxious adult with it! like
dilluting drugs in 1 part per million of water, calling it a day and selling as medicine... so that's why i propose a practical resolution of the trolley problem in 1 paragraph;
despite the substitution of investment from personal vehicle technology to trains and metros, which may or not solve problems of welfare (like noise & ambient pollution), all trolley routes should be isolated from any type of living organism access, so we reduce accidents and tragedies by a factor of 0 while they operate
now instead of discussing if
reality is
real or not, go put some
tinker @ more relevant fields like education, ecology, urbanism etc.ยท no one demands a solution out of the layperson, but you may help with something